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UA Engineering Capstone team completes Automated Pressure Regulation System

Automated Pressure Regulation System for SAM at Biosphere 2

In the fall of 2020 Biosphere 2 Deputy Director John Adams and SAM Director Kai Staats engaged a University of Arizona Engineering 498 Capstone team to design and fabricate a working prototype of an automated pressure regulation system for the inhabitant living space, adjacent to and principally atmosphere separated from the Test Module.

Team 21066 was highly successful in their design and prototype, demonstrating a working model mid May 2021. Once the 1200 sq-ft crew living space is built, a full-scale version will be built.

Core to the design is the ability to:

  1. Maintain a constant internal pressure greater than the external ambient pressure.
  2. Compensate for a low internal pressure by drawing from the reserve tank.
  3. Compensate for over-pressurization by drawing air from the internal space into the reserve tank.
  4. Be able to release a large volume of air quickly, in the case of a vessel breach.

The year-end product demonstration video is available here.

You can meet the team members Ahmed, James, Meghan, Nathan, Coby, Gustavo, and Arfan at our Development Team page.

Automated Pressure Regulation System for SAM at Biosphere 2 Automated Pressure Regulation System for SAM at Biosphere 2 Automated Pressure Regulation System for SAM at Biosphere 2 Automated Pressure Regulation System for SAM at Biosphere 2 Automated Pressure Regulation System for SAM at Biosphere 2

By |2025-02-20T06:08:00+00:00May 5th, 2021|Categories: Research & Development, Research Teams|0 Comments

SAM Construction – Master Doers Robert and Angus get it done!

Robert David, Angus Gluck working at SAM, Biosphere 2

Robert David reached out to me (Kai) in November 2020, when SAM was building momentum toward construction at Biosphere 2. Robert is a resident-employee at the world renowned Arcosanti, a prototype arcology in the high-elevation Arizona desert. This testing ground for the innovative architect Soleri’s progressive urban planning concepts is now five decades since its 1970 founding and is regarded as an early example of sustainable architecture that prioritizes live-work spaces where the surrounding natural environment is cherished over urban sprawl.

In many ways, Arcosanti could be taken as an analog for the first communities on Mars. This intrigued Kai early in the conversations with Robert. Robert’s friend of many years Angus Gluck spearheaded research into insulated shipping containers for the SAM living quarters, and is guiding their level placement upon arrival. Angus is a resident of Flagstaff, Arizona, a builder in many trades, and regular visitor to Arcosanti.

Robert and Angus came to us with a can-do, doesn’t matter how hard the project, we’ll get it done! attitude. True to their word, they dove right into grinding and sanding in the lung (which is not fun), a first and second pass of rust removal on the lung rings (see the banner at top), sanding the exterior of the lung shell, hanging electrical disconnects, and applying the primer in the Test Module. Our days and evenings were filled with conversation guided by Robert about the incredible confluence of mathematics, programming, and augmented digital realities, while Angus share insights into innovative, often efficient methods for construction and the development of living spaces.

Thank you both for your many contributions over such a short period of time.

Angus Gluck grinding at SAM, Biosphere 2 Robert David sanding at SAM, Biosphere 2 Robert David painting the Test Module at SAM, Biosphere 2 Angus Gluck hanging disconnects at SAM, Biosphere 2

By |2021-07-20T19:21:25+00:00April 30th, 2021|Categories: Visitors to SAM|0 Comments

SAM Construction – Data terminal removal

Sunset over Biosphere 2

This week brought welcomed, cooler temperature, rain, and hail. The desert was alive again after a much needed storm to break the dry spell. And with that invocation of precipitation came a highly productive few days, the start of our last, long dash to the finish line in May, and first pressure tests.

Trent and Kai removed the steel frame of the original data collection terminal and kiosk. From 1987-1989 this structure served as a station for monitoring, collecting, and displaying real-time data feeds from the analog sensors in the Test Module. Data feeds were brought from within the sealed Test Module to the kiosk through flex conduit, a junction box, and PVC pipe to the kiosk, with pressure fittings and silicone rubber used to maintain air-tight fittings.

Now, with most sensors transmitting via a digital communication medium, a single USB, Ethernet, or wireless feed can route all the data generated by the Test Module. As such, the entire kiosk will be replaced by a single, simple podium where a SAM manager, visiting researcher, or tourist engaged in a presentation can view data via a laptop.

While a dozen PVC conduits were terminated, filled with expansion foam, and buried in concrete, two conduits are retained: one for electrical power, the other for Ethernet and USB. Why? A hard line provides IT support on the outside of the habitat to provide direct support and potential firmware upgrades for equipment that misbehaving. While not desired and certainly not engaged regularly, this direct support does not require a break in the seal and simulation.

At the same time, Kai and Trent were eager to remove the last of the old, long-since abandoned and very much displeasing pipes and junction box from the space between the exterior and interior doors. The steel floor was cut free, pipes cut low, and concrete poured for a new, clean, elegant entrance. Next, the walls of this small space will be sanded, primed, and painted with the installation of the new, primary electrical panel.

Thank you Tim and Terry for helping with a six bag concrete mix, pour, and finish!

By |2022-11-12T17:45:31+00:00April 27th, 2021|Categories: Construction|0 Comments

SAM Construction – Catching the sunlight on Mars

Greg and Tristen Spencer applying window tint to SAM at Biosphere 2

In March we selected a window tint to apply to the lower windows in order to reduce the visible light transmission to that of ambient light on Mars. Owner of Tucson based AGTP Window Films Greg Spencer (“Greg the Tinter”) and his son Tristen arrived at 9:30 am Tuesday morning and within minutes were engaged in prepping, cleaning, and applying large sheets of the window film. As with hanging dry wall, this is one of those tasks that the experts make look easy. Yet, if ever you have tried to do it yourself, you quickly learn the real challenges.

Greg and Tristen pealed, soaked, and placed thirteen sheets of window film, then used a squeegee to remove all air bubbles before the adhesive set and dried. The end result is simple beautiful. Not only did we achieve the desired, reduced ambient interior light, but these thirty year old windows now appear brand new. The film selected provides a reduction of in light with a minimal reflection such that when research team members are working inside of the SAM greenhouse at night they can yet enjoy the Moon and starlight outside.

Greg and Tristen Spencer applying window tint to SAM at Biosphere 2 Greg and Tristen Spencer applying window tint to SAM at Biosphere 2

Greg Spencer applying window tint to SAM at Biosphere 2 WIthout and with window tint, SAM at Biopshere 2

By |2023-02-08T15:01:02+00:00April 20th, 2021|Categories: Construction|0 Comments

Analog Astronaut Conference 2021

This coming Saturday, May 1 is the first-ever Analog Astronaut Conference. This first-of-its-kind forum is assembled in part by Dr. Sian Proctor, a member of the Inspiration 4 all-civilian mission to space.

The conference agenda is as follows:
09:00 – 09:55 EDT Keynote Astronaut Dr. Scott Parazynski
10:00 – 10:55 EDT Analog Astronaut Research Panel
11:00 – 11:30 EDT Keynote Dr. Ulyana Horodyskyj
11:30 – 12:00 EDT Break
12:00 – 12:55 EDT Space Training Programs Panel
13:00 – 13:55 EDT Analog Habitats Panel
14:00 – 14:30 EDT Keynote Dr. Sian Proctor
14:30 – 15:00 EDT Break
15:00 – 15:55 EDT Diversity and Inclusion in Analogs Panel
16:00 – 16:55 EDT Analog Astronaut Science Communication and the Arts

SAM Director Kai Staats will be participating in the Analog Habitats Panel.

Per the embedded video (top), the audio for Kai’s presentation in the Analog Habitats Panel is rather garbled, so a transcription is provided:

Kai Staats, Director of SAM at Biosphere 2
We are building a Space Analog for the Moon and Mars at the Biosphere 2, the world-
renowned facility outside of Oracle, Arizona … it has a [heritage] that goes back to the
late 1980s and early ‘90s with eight people living inside for two years … we are carrying
forward the experience of that facility.

We have the great fortune of using the Test Model, which was the prototype built before
the Biosphere in 1987 [and] operating through 1989. The eight Biospherians are shown
standing on top of the [Test Model] lung. This facility was used for up to three weeks
with fully bioregenerative life support. So it’s basically a sealed greenhouse … an
innovated way to manage pressure using “a lung”.

My good friend and associate Trent Tresch and I started working on the reconstruction
of this with volunteers and members of the Biosphere 2 team on January 20th and have
been going nonstop 18 hours a day for two and a half months straight. And we’ve been
grinding and sanding and vacuuming and rewiring and painting to get this facility up and
running. We’re doing everything we can, every step of the way is done with an eye to
the science.
So knowing that you would not actually build a greenhouse on Mars with exposed
windows due to the radiation, we have covered all upward facing glass with an
elastomeric to reduce the light and the thermal gain. We’ve also applied window tint that
is specifically [selected] to reduce the ambient light for those windows that are strictly
horizontal with a view through the thickness of the atmosphere by 50 percent of the
ambient light that is otherwise present in Arizona. So when you are inside, you do notice
a distinct difference. That also means that our plants will not receive ample light, which
means we will introduce synthetic lighting.

We’ve also had the great pleasure of working with Dr. Cameron Smith and Pacific
Spaceflight. I’ve been a member of that team for five or six years now, and Trent for the
same. And for those of you at Lunares you’re going to love your suits! I’ve seen your
suits and they are being shipped off soon—they’re beautiful. We have two suits coming
to our facility as well.This is John Adams, the Deputy Director of Biosphere 2. He conducted our first
pressure suit test a number of weeks ago … he found this to be a really good

This is our facility as of two days ago. You can see it’s coming along nicely. And this is
an artist’s rendering by Bryan Versteeg … of what our living quarters will look like when
finished, with three shipping containers [at the edge] of our Mars yard. This is a
rendering of the inside of the living quarters … more densely packed with two air locks,
one to the outside world and one to the greenhouse in order to maintain pressure
differentials, and [unique] humidity, CO2 and temperature levels. [We will be] pumping
CO2 from the crew quarters into the greenhouse and using an oxygen concentrator in
the greenhouse to put oxygen back into the living quarters.

Paragon [Space Development Corporation] has already delivered to us a full CO2
scrubber … that is operational as of the end of next week. Hopefully we’ll be doing our
first pressure test with CO2 scrubbing by the end of May.

This is a facility right next door, 6400 square feet of space that we’re rebuilding as a
Mars yard. We’re working with NASA and Arizona State University’s JMARS team to
select a potential human landing site on Mars, then scaling that crater down … we will
include a lava tube … and also a gravity off-set rig being designed by one of
Hollywood’s top stuntmen in order that we can enable people to experience whatever
gravitational field [they desire] everything from one-third to one-half to zero G if they just
want to fly around Mars. We are also embedding gas [delivery] pipes into the crater
[features] so that we can distribute various gases, trace gases, and water vapor for
autonomous rovers to discover.

I want to say thank you to the Biosphere 2, National Geographic, Paragon, U of A
CEAC, NASA, and everyone here for all the support and financing to make this

By |2021-06-14T01:36:50+00:00April 16th, 2021|Categories: In the news|0 Comments

SAM Construction – Window Swap

Window swap at SAM, Biosphere 2 Window swap at SAM, Biosphere 2 Window swap at SAM, Biosphere 2 Window swap at SAM, Biosphere 2

On the west side of the Test Module two of the four windows were cracked. Luckily, we are going to remove two when the adjacent shipping container is attached to form the workshop and corridor to the crew living quarters. In preparation for application of the window tint, we had to swap the windows such that the two good windows were relocated to the north and the two broken windows temporarily placed in the south positions.

Trent, Tim and Terry, and student volunteer Michael Blum tackled this strenuous process with expertise, using professional suction cups and a lot of muscle (each panel weighs more than 250 lbs).

By |2021-04-23T06:11:44+00:00April 14th, 2021|Categories: Construction|0 Comments

SAM Construction – Scaffolding and Silicone

Working 'till sunset at SAM, Biosphere 2

Scaffolding for the Test Module at SAM, Biosphere 2 With the rather dismal failure of the cherry picker to provide an agile platform for our work on the exterior of the Test Module, we rented scaffolding instead. While a bit tricky to transport two double-stack sections on a 4×8 trailer, we managed and in fact prospered. By the end of the third day, Trent and I (Kai) could tear down and reassemble the entire rig in just under an hour!

Silicone elastomeric on the Test Module at SAM, Biosphere 2 We applied two coats of a 100% silicone elastomeric to the top two rows of glass panels and the structure between. As with the top of the Test Module, this highly reflective coating helps us more closely approximate a habitat on Mars by rejecting the unwanted radiation, reducing the visible light and thermal gain, and for our terrestrial application, drastically reducing the thermal load.

With each side of the TM, West, South, East, and then North we found the interior temperature reducing, the glare diminished, and quite unexpectedly, a sense of improved space. Where we feared the elegant space frame and all-glass structure might lose its futuristic style, instead it gained comfort, now more a habitat than an industrial structure.

Silicone elastomeric on the Test Module at SAM, Biosphere 2 Scaffolding for the Test Module at SAM, Biosphere 2

By |2021-04-23T16:07:21+00:00April 8th, 2021|Categories: Construction|0 Comments

SAM Construction – Water from Steel

Water from steel, SAM at Biopshere 2 Water from steel, SAM at Biopshere 2

Sometimes, you find water in the most peculiar places.

As we moved to paint the interior of SAM we became more acutely aware of both the location and density of the rust. Two full weeks after we last washed the interior of the Test Module, ceiling to floor, there was still rust colored water seeping from certain places. In fact, there is a fairly significant pattern—the heaviest rust was always on the left-hand side of the four corner support beams. How could that be possible?

Upon further inspection, we discovered that the mounting plates for the space frame each had four holes, but no more than two of them, often just one were filled with a bolt. The others were simple openings into the massive, horizontal steel beams. We believe that over the years the humidity condensed on the inside of the windows, rolled down onto the “V” shaped window sills, pooled and ran onto and then into the support beams by means of the mounting plate holes. There it sat, unable to further explore … until the water, oxygen, and iron worked their magic to turn much of the lower section of the Test Module to the color of Mars.

To test this theory we drilled a 1/4″ hole at the end of each beam. Sure enough, the water poured right out and into the waiting bucket. Dry at last, we are preparing to prime and paint.

By |2021-04-23T16:07:59+00:00April 7th, 2021|Categories: Construction|0 Comments

SIMOC and SAM featured at Sky-Lights, by science educator Dan Heim

Self-sufficient life support diagram by Dan Heim Former high school physics professor, lifelong amateur astronomer, and author of the Sky Lights, a weekly blog about things you see in the sky (and some you can’t see). Dan’s animated essays cover a wide range of disciplines including astronomy, meteorology, climatology, chemistry, physics, optics, earth & space science, and others.

This past two publications Dan has discussed Surviving in Space, with an emphasis on what it would take to make the International Space Station self-sustaining versus a habitat on the Moon or Mars. Dan writes, “Last week we looked at whether the ISS could be made totally self-sufficient and never require supply missions from Earth. The short answer was “yes” but the practical answer was “no”. However, in a colony on a moon or planet where outside resources (like water and minerals) are available, self-sufficiency is much easier.”

Surviving in Space – Part 1 and Part 2.


By |2021-05-13T06:07:55+00:00April 5th, 2021|Categories: Education|0 Comments
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