October-December 2024

The SAM Team
The SAM crew will employ their own facility to establish CO2 baselines unique to each of the SAM staff. This will involve each crew member staying inside of SAM from 24-48 hours (TBD) in order to identify the CO2 production unique to their metabolism and activity. This will provide SAM the needed data for the ultimate extended, sealed experiments in the fall of 2024 in which SAM will return to the legacy of Biosphere 2 and Linda Leigh’s three week stay inside of SAM with a fully bioregenerative life support system.

Spring [TBD], 2025

Space Birds
 Brett Mecum, Commander
 (mission and crew will be secured in spring for fall ’24)

Crew Buble
 Kevin Lewis, Commander
 (mission and crew will be secured in spring for fall ’24)

Fall [TBD], 2025

The World’s Biggest Analog

March 10-15, 2024

Imagination 1
 Christopher Cokinos, Commander
 Liz George
 Julie Swarstad Johnson
 Ivy Wahome
Learn more …

May 9-15, 2023

Inclusion II
 Bindhu Oommen, Commander
 Sahda Haroon, Engineer
 Andy Squires, Communications Officer, Accessibility
 Keridwen Cornelius, Crew Journalist

Learn more ….

April 26 – May 2, 2023

Inclusion I
 Cassandra Klos, Commander and Crew Photographer
 Dr. Eiman Jahangir, Medical officer
 Bailey Burns, Engineer
 Dr. Sheri Wells-Jensen, Communications officer, Accessibility officer

Learn more ….