Search results for: "Inclusion II"

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DoubleTap features Andy Squires, Inclusion II

By |2024-03-17T01:44:23+00:00July 10th, 2023|Categories: In the news, Research Teams|

DoubleTap feature hands-on reviews, guidance, opinion, interviews and conversation around accessibility in the tech industry. The interviews and programs help the audience better understand how technology can assist in everyday life. In this episode, host Marc Aflalo interviews Andy Squires, Accessibility Officer for the Inclusion II mission to SAM the second week of May 2023. Listen [...]

Crew Inclusion II completes second mission at SAM!

By |2024-03-17T05:10:01+00:00May 15th, 2023|Categories: Research Teams|

Above (back row): Dr. Brandy Nunez, Mission Director; SAM Staff: Luna Powell, Matthias Beach, Trent Tresch, Kai Staats, and Sean Gellenbeck (not present Tasha Coelho); (front row) Bindhu Oommen, Commander; Keridwen Cornelius, Crew Journalist; Andy Squires, Communications Officer, Accessibility; and Sahda Haroon, Engineer. (not present: Brenda Trinidad, Mission Control and Eric Shear, Mission Support). Crew Inclusion [...]

Crew Inclusion II – CapCom report Day 4

By |2023-05-14T19:46:53+00:00May 13th, 2023|Categories: Research Teams|

Each morning and evening CapCom lead Brenda Trinidad supplies the crew members (via email) a set of questions in a standardized document (Word, LibreOffice). The crew take time to reflect on the questions asked, and deliver their responses to CapCom and Mission Support (Ground Control). In the official mission-end debrief we will reflect upon the daily [...]

Crew Inclusion II – EVAs

By |2023-07-25T21:04:34+00:00May 13th, 2023|Categories: Research Teams|

Keridwen Cornelius, Crew Journalist Keridwen's EVA objective was to test a variety of communication tools: a gel pen with a stylus, a NASA approved pen, and a pencil on paper, plus a cell phone (SIM card removed). The challenge of dexterity while encumbered by pressurized gloves is true no matter the fidelity of the [...]

Crew Inclusion II – First Report

By |2023-05-11T14:00:15+00:00May 10th, 2023|Categories: Research Teams|

Kai, Brenda, and all of Mission Control, On behalf of Sahda, Andy, Keridwen and myself, hello!! Everyone is doing very well. Within the first hour, the crew was already on its way to their planned tasks. Andy has set up his sensors and has begun programming. Sahda has been diligent in monitoring the lung height and [...]

Crew Inclusion II enters SAM!

By |2024-03-17T05:02:11+00:00May 10th, 2023|Categories: In the news, Research Teams|

Inclusion II, the second crew to enter SAM, the Space Analog for the Moon and Mars, sealed the outer airlock hatch today, May 10, 2023 at 10:05 AM. Interviews with the French Televisions commenced at 8:30 AM and continued until 9:45 AM when one by one, Bindhu Oommen, Keridwen Cornelius, Sahda Haroon, and Andy Squires entered [...]

Crew Inclusion II completes training at SAM

By |2023-05-10T07:15:43+00:00May 9th, 2023|Categories: Research Teams|

As with the first crew to enter SAM, Inclusion II underwent an extensive training in the function and operation of SAM prior to entry. Given the feedback and experience of training the first crew, the training time was expanded to a four-hours introduction to using air quality sensors and monitors, capturing the storing data, followed by [...]

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