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So far kai has created 251 blog entries.

Reduced Gravity Simulator Reinstalled

SAM Reduced Gravity Simulator being installed at its final position.

Following the test trolley runs, the Reduced Gravity Simulator was disassembled and taken down for a final coat of paint. Each component was labelled, cleaned, and painted. With the cooler temperatures the paint needed two full days to dry. Matthias, Luna, and Kai developed a system to lift the massive armatures to their higher, final position.

Following a full day of removing the basalt (simulated Mars regolith) by Matthias and Luna, each took turns tossing a pull line over the Mars yard roof support structure (we won’t mention the number of tosses required), then pulling a 600lbs nylon line over. With two pulleys for a 2:1 block and tackle lift, Kai used his climbing harness and belay device to hold the armatures steady between lifts by Matthias and Luna.

Once at the height of the small angle iron shelf already secured to the building support beams, the top and bottom U bolts were fastened. As with the first, lower position, aligning the ends of the armatures was relatively simple. Using the nuts on the U bolts themselves, the armatures were moved with a high degree of accuracy, to within 1/8th of an inch tip to tip.

The four sections of track were replaced, the machine screw holes aligning perfectly.

In this new, higher position, the original test trolley is a bit awkward to sit upon, but remains functional as an overhead system. The first gravity-offload will be built and tested soon.

By |2024-03-02T06:51:21+00:00February 1st, 2024|Categories: Construction|0 Comments

SAM Operations Center is operational

Welcome to the fully refurbished SAM Operations Center at Biosphere 2

The SAM team enjoyed an incredible work week, an all-hands-on-deck, sunrise to sunset (and beyond) engagement with Matthias, Luna, Sean, Bindhu, and Kai engaged in a non-stop effort to complete the SAM Operations Center and Mission Control, as well as advance the Mars yard into its next stage of development.

– shower tiles are grouted and cleaned
– sink is installed
– vanity light is installed
– toilet is set
– sliding doors and new head are hung

– countertop brackets are installed
– countertop template (plywood) is set
– butcher block is in-house; needs to be cut
– induction cook top arrived; waiting to be installed
– sink and faucet arrived; waiting to be installed

*Conference Room*
– 65″ TV installed
– 5.1 home theater speakers installed, cables run
– chairs and conference table cleaned
– “The Martian” watched !!!

*Mission Control*
– 4 mission control desks are installed
– LCD projector installed
– silver screen installed
– sound bar installed (and it sounds amazing!)
– all sheetrock work completed, painted
– IT rack assembled (needs to be reduced in size)

– all electrical breakers replaced
– fibre optic drop, ethernet, and WiFi are working with asynchronous 200 Mbps
– floors are washed (a few times)

– reduced gravity simulator removed and painted
– TM and 40′ hatches inspected, temp patched
– TM outlined on the Mars yard workshop floor
– hydroponics rough layout established; plans made
– Mars yard boulders moved (not an easy task)

This week we will:
– re-install the RGS at its working height
– build the gravity-offload rig (and test)
– remove the prototype Mars yard and basalt (ugh!)
– prepare for delivery of a 20′ section of our sculpted Mars yard on Thursday

We kicked butt and got a LOT done! And this next week we again have our work cut out for us!

By |2024-02-15T16:00:21+00:00January 26th, 2024|Categories: Construction|0 Comments

Work at SAM Ops continues …

Kai Staats setting the front door at SAM Operations Center, Biosphere 2

For as laborious as it may appear, our team has enjoyed nearly every minute of this completely normal office remodel. We don’t have to worry about maintaining a hermetic seal, or the structural integrity of a hull under pressure, or the circulation of air and CO2 monitoring—rather, were engaged in the rapid (by comparison) efforts to reinforce and level a new kitchen cabinet, hang two new doors, scrub bathroom tile, install a toilet, paint, and rewire a few outlets.

By |2024-02-15T16:20:56+00:00January 19th, 2024|Categories: Construction|0 Comments

Update from the SAM Operations Center

Today, Thursday, January 11 marks the fourth day that our team has returned to SAM since a few days before the Christmas holiday. We all needed the break after another three months of intense activity. Mason and Natasha have returned to Europe, with Bindhu and Sean in their home towns of Dallas and Chicago respectively, conducting research and working on SAM related projects from afar.

Matthias, Luna, and Kai engage daily with Atila balancing his graduate degree, thesis research, and time at SAM. We will all come together again in just twelve days for a week of intense, hands-on work at SAM. For the remainder of January our goals will be the continued renovation of the building we now claim as the SAM Operations Center, a return to the reduced gravity simulator, and the installation of the new array of hydroponics racks, shelving, nutrient tanks, runs, and computer control systems.

What’s more, we are preparing for the construction of a 3000 sq-ft Mars yard, co-designed and expertly crafted by a leading Hollywood set design company. Stay tuned for the official announcement and design details!

The SAM Operations Center is nearly fully transformed from a former storage facility for B2 house keeping to an elegant, modern facility with conference room, workshop, storage, library-den, full bath, kitchen, and a full-featured Mission Control Center complete with desks for four officers and heads-up displays for SAM monitoring and communications.

Our first team lead by Christopher Cokinos will be in SAM the second week of March. Our own SAM team members will be establishing baselines for CO2 production in preparation for a full suite of bioregenerative experiments October-December 2024.

2024 is the year we fully transition from construction to scientific studies, data collection, and building our legacy in human space exploration.

Stay tuned!

By |2024-01-12T15:04:32+00:00January 11th, 2024|Categories: Construction|0 Comments

Five generations of human space exploration

Five generations of human space travel celebrated at the SAM Operations Center

Application of a large format vinyl print to the interior doors of the SAM Operations Center at Biosphere 2

Each of the five interior doors at the SAM Operations Center now celebrates one decade in human space exploration, with Mercury-Gemini, Apollo, Space Shuttle, and ISS in bold, large format prints. We are proud to make five generations of technological advancement and scientific endeavor central to our new Operations Center and Mission Control.

This was our holiday gift to ourselves, something out of the ordinary, something that will for many years to come give visitors reason to smile when they enter our facilities. We thank Ann Persnel and the team at West Press of Tucson for their expert printing and installation.

By |2024-01-17T17:17:12+00:00December 22nd, 2023|Categories: Construction|0 Comments

Final push before the holiday

Kai Staats reinforcing a cabinet for the SAM Operations Center kitchen

Kitchen cabinets are a strange thing. You can spend $250-500 and while they look nice, the quality of their fabrication is simply horrid. If you hire someone to build custom cabinets, you are looking at thousands of dollars. Sometimes you end up with a hybrid solution, wishing you had just built them yourself. In the end, we have a kitchen cabinet that looks great … and you could park a cement truck on top and it would hold firm.

The SAM Operations Center and Mission Control will soon be a center piece in the total landscape of this Space Analog for the Moon & Mars. At one level SAM Ops is a dedicated office space for the SAM team, providing storage, workshop, conference room, and indoor education and training facilities for visiting teams. At another level, it will be the heartbeat of SAM missions, with a dedicated 4-seat Mission Control facility complete with life support and SAM facilities monitoring, full kitchen and bath, and library-den to provide privacy and accommodations for supporting staff of visiting crews.

Compared to the tedious nature of building SAM where every nut, bolt, and seam must be considered for its ability to hold pressure, this is just a normal remodel. But as a remodel of an entire building we are encountering the same issues presented in any home remodel, including dry rot, termites, leaking windows with the rain, and bad decisions made by the original builders. But with Matthias taking the lead and Mason, Luna, and Kai pushing through, we’re getting it done!

By |2024-01-17T15:36:48+00:00December 21st, 2023|Categories: Education|0 Comments

Test of the Reduced Gravity Simulator Trolley

This made-for-fun video has the SAM development team using the SAM Reduced Gravity Simulator (RGS) 50 foot track for the first time, testing a single-axis trolley. The next stage of development is the fabrication and test of the gravity-offload rig which will provide variable degrees of reduced gravity simulation in the ultimate Mars yard and terrain park.

Learn more about fabrication of the SAM RGS and the use of reduced gravity simulators at NASA for more than five decades.

By |2023-12-13T15:31:43+00:00December 10th, 2023|Categories: Videos|0 Comments

Reduced Gravity Simulator

Reduced Gravity Simulator at SAM

The reduced gravity simulator (RGS) at SAM is installed and operational with a single-axis test trolley. This marks completion of one of the most unique and advantageous components of SAM when coupled with pressure suit and rover mobility research. In it’s current state the RGS allows the SAM team to safely test various configurations of trolley and gravity-offload rigs before elevating to the nominal operating height. Once the gravity-offset rig is integrated, the entire 50 (15m) foot assembly of welded, tubular steel armatures and raceway will be raised to 12 feet (4m), providing a variable reduction in apparent weight from Mars (1/3) to Lunar gravity (1/6) to microgravity.

Once again we thank James Parker and the master welders at the University of Arizona welding shop for a perfect fabrication of the five RGS armatures.

Learn more about the history of reduced gravity simulators and the RGS at SAM and watch a video of the test of the static trolley.

By |2024-03-30T01:08:07+00:00December 1st, 2023|Categories: Construction|0 Comments

Primary renovation of the Mars yard superstructure is done

Luna Powell painting the sliding door of the Mars yard at SAM

Last week Matthias and Luna built a quick prototype of a Mars yard wall section, the intent to visualize the avrage height and angle of a small section of what will be sculpted concrete over expanded steel. With the close of this week Matthias installed the final sheet of steel paneling on the sliding door then trimmed west wall roof sheets (installed in July 2022) while Luna painted, and Kai installed the new power distribution panel.

It’s been a long, hot summer followed by a far too warm September and October with a series of projects in the SAM Mars yard renovation that took far more resources than anticipated. With Matthias Beach in the lead, Sean Gellenbeck, Tasha Coelho, Mason Robbins and Natasha Nichols worked sequentially for the removal of all no-longer-needed electrical conduit, chasing new electrical wiring through the conduit that was retained, installation of a new electrical power distribution panel, mounting all new, outdoor rated electrical sockets, replacing the mostly defunct lighting (as one would expect after thirty five years), and a complete reconstruction of the west wall in order to install new steel siding.

The end result is incredibly rewarding as the Mars yard superstructure is very well lit, with isolated circuits on every wall, and a clean power distribution panel on a brand new backboard. With the new roll-up doors and steel roof overhead, the building is now completely secured from the weather, and from the critters too.

By |2023-11-27T16:18:26+00:00November 3rd, 2023|Categories: Construction|0 Comments
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